wicKED Pages

Monday, June 4, 2012

June Yard Sale uncovers some surprising Halloween finds!

   I have been neglecting my blog for the past week or so in preparation for our HUGE June 2nd yard sale. Now that may not seem like a week long project, but let me explain. My mother and late stepfather loved going to auctions every week for YEARS. They would buy "Grab Bags" constantly, which is basically just boxes and boxes of mystery junk! After years of this, both of my mother's full sized outdoor storage buildings were crammed to the ceiling with boxes of curious goods. With the help of M and my Wicked Mother, we cleaned out the main building, which also housed my late stepfathers workshop.
    So the day of the Yard Sale came and we had items from the Wicked Woods, my mothers, almost every member of M's family, and our friend Senorita Savannah. You name it, we had it! I have never seen so many people shopping in my life. 
   We made a killing by selling our unwanted treasures, but we also found some new treasures that only a Home Haunter could appreciate. 

Not only is this end table a nice addition to our back bedroom, but it will also be great to drape a sheer black cloth over and shine a UV LED light under to illuminate whatever sinister creations we put on top of it. This was a free acquisition from M's granny.

These two fully functioning lamps were grabbed by M at a rival Yard Sale for 3 bucks. They will be perfect for a couple of skulls and a creative flicker bulb! The strange triangular candle holder will hold some real wax skull candles.

A psychotic killer combo. New jumpsuit and a brand new oak handle machete. These were free from mom's stash.

Old, ratty hat and a sun bleached denim shirt will be the envy of all the new scarecrows this year. Free from mom's!

A working light up pumpkin snatched for free from Senorita Savanna. A bronze leaf plaque and some vintage crayola crayon treat bag stuffers found for free in mom's mystery boxes. 

Very old school/vintage looking Halloween candles rescued for free from hidden junk boxes in my mother's building.

M found these Halloween Boots at a rival Yard Sale for 1 dollar! I hope she does not kill herself in them as she learns to walk in them! The frame was free from the building stuff and will be perfect with a creepy picture  this Halloween.

I lucked up and found some old x-rays and CT scans of your's truly! I will be building a simple light box to go with my Mad Scientist Lab scene this year. (I was as surprised as you to see that my skull actually has a brain it it!)

M's granny donated this fall display which still had the Micheal's Tag on it. We deemed it too good for a Yard Sale and kept it!

   I also found a box full of strange corked bottles, jars, and other glass ware that will be added to the Awful Apothecary. We found a ton of tools and power tools as well as a never ending supply of screws, bolts, hinges, nails, PVC pipes, and scrap wood. Cleaning out mom's main building also allows us full access to the workshop where there is already a plethora Home Haunting power tools ready to be used.  
   This whole venture was a huge success all around. We got junk out of our hair, put some cash in our pockets, and already stockpiled Halloween goodness for the coming season. It would seem I also found an invaluable treasure among all this.... INSPIRATION! I can't wait to get started. 


  1. I can tell you have begun a rampage of creative chaos!! Had I listened carefully I could probably have heard your screams of delight all the way up here. I can't wait to see what you create with all your sinister finds!

    Ked, what was your Mom doing with a machete...hmmm...sounds like folks have to sleep with one eye open at her house:)

    1. Thanks! I have been chomping at the bit to start on some projects, but I am trying to hold off till after M's Bday coming up in July.

      My mom had several curios items including a number of heavy duty axes, knives of various size and shape, and lots of shovels....hmmmm I think I better not sleep at all over at her house.

  2. Did i read..."POWER TOOLS!" POWer tools.... POWer tools.... POWer tools.... POWer....

    1. INDEED YOU DID! A full compliment of mad scientist/home haunter POWER TOOLS! Saws, drill presses, grinders, sanders, routers...I get all tingly just thinking about it ;)

  3. I would have been in Halloween Heaven with all this loot!!!!

  4. I saw end table with glass top and immediaretly thought bottomless pit. Can be done with mirror and/or mirror security film and some lights and cardboard.... Google " halloween prop bottomless pit"

    1. You are so right! I will have to look up the plans again!


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