wicKED Pages

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Shockingly Sinister Shorts #9

*A woman returns to her home after a 2 week business trip overseas. She is met in the living room by her husband.*

Returning wife: I cannot tell you how good it is to be home. I have missed you so bad. Come here and give me a hug. 

Surprising husband: Wait right there, don’t come any closer. I have a surprise for you.

Returning wife: A surprise? What on earth could it be, and why are you wearing that old dirty hoody?

Surprising husband: This hoody is hiding your surprise. Do you remember how you always talked about our neighbor David's abs? Do you remember telling me how you wish I had abs just like David?

Returning wife: Yes I do. David has amazing abs… oh honey! Did you join a gym?

Surprising husband: Nope…even better. *unzips hoody* I just took David's! You can barely tell that they are attached to this belt.


  1. WicKED,

    These are perfect shorts, somewhat Outer Limits feel to them. Great job have been enjoying them!

    1. Thank you! Glad you like them. I hope to get 101 by Halloween.


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