wicKED Pages

Monday, April 30, 2012

Have you read the news? It's coming tomorrow!

May Monster Madness is almost upon us. Come back may 1st-7th to take part in the monstrously good time.

 I will be doing some Monstrous news, Monster Mashups, an interview with a local horror/monster author,  some Monster related "Shockingly Sinister Shorts" and lots more. I hope you all will check out all the blogs that have lined up to bring you a week of Monsters.


  1. Oi! I am going to have to withdraw from the "official" blog hop. BOO! I'm going to be participating, but won't have a post ready until Wednesday -- I'm in the middle of grading hell. sigh ...

    Feel free to remove me from Mr. Linky. :(

  2. Never mind ... I'm working on the post right this minute! WAHOO!


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