wicKED Pages

Thursday, March 15, 2012

FaceOff Finale and Monsterman Premier.

   I was very impressed with this season of FaceOff and cannot wait for it to return this Summer. It rarely happens, but the guy I was pulling for all season actually won last night. Good job Rayce! 

   It is my humble opinion that his cool head under pressure and his decisive vision were behind his triumph. It seemed to me he was always on the trail of an idea, and had a completed and very imaginative sketch before the other contestants could even grab a pencil. Looking back at his other work through this season, it is not hard to believe he won, despite all the talent he was up against. 

Here are the winning creations that brought home the win. 

    Good job Rayce. I hope we see more of your work in the near future!

Last night was also the premier of the new series, Monsterman.

   With it's widely used premise of doing the impossible with the last minute deadline change ," We had two weeks to leisurely do this build now we have till Friday.... IMPOSSIBLE!", it really failed to deliver for me. From the extremely forced and scripted drama between boss and family, to the pointless sarcasm and constant childish attacks between them, "Don't ever work with your ex wife!" it just seemed like a huge pile of blah.

I rate this series a resounding........meh.


  1. Rayce's final characters were amazing. And like the judge's noticed, the dark to light transition effect of them standing together was incredible.

    While I have a lot of the same issues with Monster Man, I'm going to try and stick with it to fill my Face-Off fix. Even if I just end up forwarding thru the drama to see the builds.

    It did seem kind of ridiculous anyone (especially someone that's been doing this for decades like Sean) would ask any FX company to have something done it two days and have everything hinge on that one fragile effect.

    1. I could not agree with you more Dex. The transition effect blew me away. I ended up forwarding to the end just to see the build myself on Monsterman. Way to fake/scripted/immature for my taste.

  2. totally agree on face off. he was the most consistent of the bunch, even when he didn't win. i was just glad when they threw off that arrogant sob that was ruining the show a while back. LOL

    didn't watch monster man, and kind of glad now that you said that. if i wanted to watch americanchopper/thebachelor/bigbrother i would. show the builds, dang it.

    1. Agree completely. I wish they would come up with a good series that focuses on the build... maybe in a how to or DIY kinda scope instead of the tedious scripted style that I hate. I think they are trying to hard to play up to the female market... and missing what the female market wants completely.

  3. Can' believe I missed the finale! I even told my wife last night at 7:00...hey face off finale is on tonight.....duh.
    I also missed monster man and thanks for the review. I kind of had that feeling from the previews and I'm really sick of
    people saying.."I don't know if I'm going to make it...theres just not enough time". You think the producers would move away from that. We all know they are on the clock so we don't need 10 minutes of them telling us that they don't have the time! There..I've said my piece and feel better. And thanks Wicked, for your insight and opinions.
    BTW, I was pulling for Rayce as well. Nice to see a good guy finish first.

    1. Oh man! I hate you missed it. If you can catch it on demand or a re run, it is well worth a watch. Some of the other builds were just great!

      I too am glad to see the nice guy finish first! It was well deserved.

  4. Think your right on target Ked. Going to miss Faceoff and Monsterman was a big disappointment. If they were trying to compete with Making Monsters they totally missed the mark. I think people are getting sick to death of the "reality" program bickering.

    1. I have to agree with you on the "reality" dramas - way too many of them on television. There are too many people famous for doing nothing but be loud, obnoxious and annoying and especially on a show that could have so much potential. It would have a much better chance of staying on the air if they stick to more of actual monster making instead of fake drama or if there is a lot of real drama because it is family, edit that crap out and focus on monsters.


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