wicKED Pages

Friday, February 17, 2012

Just another day in paradise.

   Just a typical Friday view from the porch. 

    Mornings like this really make me think. I am actually looking forward to good weather and working in the yard. Good weather means I can get out and start putting together Halloween projects for the coming season.   Good weather also means there will be a plethora of amazing things to photograph.
    I am also looking forward to starting a new career in 2012. Having a year long vacation was a lot of fun, but it is time to get back in the saddle again. Just not sure what direction I will take this time.
    As Friday heralds in the weeKEnD, I hope it finds you all safe and happy. 


  1. I posted something similar yesterday, and it's really funny that we ALL think we live in paradise. Bloggers are rather positive people, methinks.

    have a great weekend!

    1. I would have to agree. Especially Halloween bloggers.

  2. hope this new career venture is all you hope for my friend! and beautiful pics, by the way.

    1. Thanks Pam, I hope it does too.....just not sure what it is going to be just yet. ;)


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