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Monday, February 13, 2012

Beware the Wood Booger!

  The team from Animal Planet's, "Finding Bigfoot", were poking around in my neck of the woods on their most recent show.  A video taken from Southwest Virginia got them here. You can see the video of the "Wood Booger" below :

   They were up on High Knob, part of the Jefferson National Forest, during October/November of last year which is the best time of the year for our area. 

   This is an area that I often frequent and have camped many, many times over the years. While I have heard some strange calls at night up there , I never ran into the Wood Booger. This autumn, I plan on doing a good bit of picture taking for the blog to show it off.

  Really some beautiful mountain scenery in the episode and I was proud to see a show reflect something positive about our area instead of portraying us as a bunch of snake handling, moonshine running, backwoods creepin, toothless, cousin marrying hillbillies.  

   Check out this episode of  "Finding Bigfoot" for some nice video of the Autumn foliage if nothing else. 

   I am sad to report that the team did not find the elusive High Knob "Wood Booger", but I can offer them a perfect explanation. You see, Archie caught the Wood Booger long ago.... and we have been dealing with it ever since!


  1. I knew those cats would somehow be involved. LOL

  2. I watched part of the show but couldn't tell exactly where in South West VA they were filming. Where was it? I live near Harrisonburg, VA.

    1. They were near Gum Hill and High Knob for the most part. That is not too awfully far from you. It is in the very corner of the Va map. Look for Wise, Norton, Big Stone Gap area to see more.

    2. Hey, I too live near Harrisonburg VA and would be interested in going on a camping trip or two to get some evidence of these creatures. The only problem I have with the Bigfoot show is that they don't seem to have much hunting experience. They can't hold still, be quiet or do the most obvious things like wear camo and scent block etc. Contact me at my web site if y'all want to stalk one of these things proper. -scj

    3. I am intrigued..... I wonder if we would have any luck.

    4. I want to set up a trail cam out a few miles in the woods baited with a bait that I haven't seen used before. I'm having trouble getting a hold of the bait I want to use, because none of the ladies I know are willing to donate one - especially a used one. I can't say on this blog what the special bait is, (it's too disgusting to discuss on the blog) but I'm sure that if the woodbuggerer is out there, he will have to have a sniff! -scj

  3. I like your show just wached it for first time very. Interesting I live in desmoines ia about 10 years ago something threw huge rocks at us and screaming. That sounded like a prehistoric pterodactyl at first I thought my cuz was doing it but he was in front of me don't know what it was

    1. We have heard some inhuman screams and knocks... a few rocks being thrown up on the Knob, but nothing that I could say was a Wood Booger... could have been any number of things.

  4. I knew the two furry faces would somehow tie in with this post! LOL!!!

  5. What about the local guy that hunts civil war relics and indian artifacts that actually has parts of a large human like skeleton in a box. The skull is in a couple of pieces but the strange thing is the ridge along the top (like a dog skull) and the teeth that are there look human but the k-9s are more pronounced. It looks big but there is not enough of it to see exactly how big it is.

    The guy is sketchy about showing it but I have been with him when we used the rods to probe for burial sites and figure thats how he found it but I don't know.

    Is something like that worth money?

    1. First I have heard of it. If he is sketchy on showing, most likely he is a hoax. If he is sitting on Squatch DNA he will be a billionaire.

  6. I live in Norton and it was filmed about 15-20 minutes from here.

  7. i live in wise county va and never once heard of a woodbooger forsure a hoax been here all my life

    1. I have lived here as well and never heard of it either. I think the "woodbooger" originated a few hours away from here further up north so that may be the reason we did not hear of it. I have heard numerous tales of a hidden Indian tribe that lives in caves on the knob. The stories say they are almost cave man like.

    2. It's my understanding the the term "woodbooger" is what it was called by the people who settled this area and popularized by an 1850's newspaper account. The terminology was then lost until someone did some digging into the local newspaper archives.

    3. It may be. That is the first I ever heard of that. So many words have double, even triple meaning. I personally think it is just a southern term for a booger that lives in the woods. I can recall my grandmother telling me a booger would come get me if I was not good.

  8. fake the biggest thing in our hills is a bear

    1. I usually cater to more open minded readers but the unknown is what makes it interesting.

  9. The bigfoot is in saltvegas! short for saltviille VA !

  10. I love the show! It's a highlight for my kids. How can you claim "fact" when you never actually found the remains of one nor have caught one? If a big foot eats deer and other animals what makes you think it wouldn't eat you? Try spending the entire season in one location and actually find one, then I'll believe. Wish I would have thought up the show! (lol)

  11. "The Wood Booger of Gum Hill" coming to a theater near you!


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