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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Target's shipping fail, or Christmas prank?

   I got in on a really good deal on a small Christmas present for M during Cyber Monday at Target. I even found a coupon code for free shipping. I ordered my item and waited. It arrived yesterday in this HUGE box. 

   At first, I thought this may have been something that M ordered for me. I checked the name on the tag and it was indeed for me. I then assumed they had sent the wrong item as the present I ordered would fit in the palm of your hand. I opened the ginormous box. 

   Lots of packing bags filled with air and another box. At least this box was smaller. I dug in and grabbed the smaller box out.

   Still an odd combo. This box is sort of small compared to the box it was shipped in but still WAY to bog for the item I ordered. I opened this box to reveal.......

   Behold! Another box! only slightly smaller than the second. At this point, I start looking for camera's to see if I am being Punked. I continue and open this box as well.

   Finally! The small item I had ordered that could fit in the palm of my hand... all stuffed in this huge box! Now I ask myself, was this a prank from one of the warehouse workers that packed my package? Could it have been a mistake? It seems to be a costly mistake especially seeing how it was FREE shipping.

    I have another theory. One that I think I will stick with on this crazy shipping story....



  1. haha that's hilarious.. But I can see how frustrating that would be.

    Maybe it's Christmas karma? Have you ever done the same thing to someone? I've always wanted to :]

  2. How weird and funny! I'm just glad that your item arrived. I was waiting to read that all you received were a bunch of empty boxes. :) On the upside, you did get free boxes! If you sell things on ebay or something, you're all set for a while!

  3. oh god that is HYSTERICAL! I really want someone in their shipping department to be having fun...


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