wicKED Pages

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

On the thirteenth day of Creepmas, my ghoul love gave to me......

13  Costumed Creeps

12  Jack-o's glowing

11 Zombies shambling

 10 Ghosts a moaning

 Werewolves howling

 8 Vamps a draining

 7 Spiders Spinning

 6 Buckies Hanging


 4 Cawing Crows

 3 Witch Hats

 2 Freddy Gloves


Creepmas News

Fox New's Reporter and Second Grade Teacher on the Front Ranks of Army to Ruin Christmas for Kids! Both tell little ones"There is no Santa"

For the full sour faced story on this Scrooge, click HERE.

She may have ruined Christmas for her second-grade students, but at least she’s sorry.
The upstate elementary school teacher vilified for telling a class full of 7- and 8-year-olds that Santa doesn’t exist has finally apologized for the epic blunder.
Leatrice Ann Eng, 58, called each of the students’ parents with a yuletide mea culpa for her gaffe.
“It’s sad; she was wrong,” said Irene Hoffman, a mother of three students at George W. Miller Elementary School in Nanuet.
“This whole thing is being blown out of proportion. I think we should focus on our children’s education, and just move on.”
Eng, 58, was in the middle of a lesson about the North Pole Tuesday when one of her students pointed out that that was where Santa Claus lives.
The educator snapped that not only was there no Santa, but their parents are the ones who leave presents under the tree.

To get the full scoop on this Holiday Hater with a video, click HERE (look at around 3 minutes in)

There’s one person who is definitely getting coal in her stocking this year: Robin Robinson.
Chicago’s Fox News anchor blurted out, “There is no Santa!” on live television last week.
This shouldn’t have been a surprise to adult viewers, but it seems like it came as a shock to some children watching the news program. Several parents complained to the station about the comments, and the next day Robinson apologized on air.
“So many kids don’t get to be children, that for those who do get to live the wonder and magic of Christmas, I would never spoil it intentionally. So I sincerely apologize,” Robinson said.
Robinson’s initial comments about Santa not existing came after a segment on Christmas and the bad economy, featuring interviews with shopping mall Santas who aren’t making any promises about gifts to kids this year because they know many moms and dads are struggling financially.
At the end of the segment Robinson said, “As soon as they can talk, [tell kids] there’s no Santa! Do gifts, but not from Santa. He’s not coming down the chimney, He’s not eating those cookies. He’s not bringing you anything.”

  This sort of thing REALLY burns me up. We have children getting pregnant at 12, addicted to drugs at 13 and gunning down class mates at 14. Is it any wonder? We don't allow our kids to be kids anymore. With absolute dumbasses like these two reaching out to our young minds, no wonder kids grow up WAY before they are supposed to. Let them hold on to some child hood innocence. Let them believe in ghosts, magic, and Santa as long as they possibly can.  I hope these two idiotic women are visited repeatedly by these guys!

Top 13 Halloween Posts of 2011 Countdown

This is hands down the most read post of the Halloween season. With well over 4000 clicks, this article continues to be viewed almost daily even during the Christmas season. While I am not exactly sure why, I can only imagine I struck a cord with some readers or I am answering the question on many peoples minds. 

"To all good things, there comes an end."

  So this concludes the blog sphere's first Creepmas. I have to say, it was a lot of fun from an author's standpoint of posting. I had just as much fun being a reader of all the other Creepmas posts.  I hope all my readers will continue to check in often on this blog as I continue to blog about all things wicKED as they pertain to the season. I will continue to post about weird news, life in the Wicked Woods, pictures from our Valley known as ,"The New England of the South",  and the continuing adventures of our resident ghost and demon (aka Archie and Lilly). 
   I hope you all have had a great Creepmas and hope the momentum carries on into Christmas and the New Year! 

   There is a fine line between naughty and plain out creepy. I will leave you with some questionable pictures of the man in red and let you decide which category each should fall under. 

How creepy is this? "Santa ate my poo mommy!".

"Shhhh....go back to sleep."


  1. he might not be my lumberjack that I am looking for but I'll take a couple of those Santas. LOL I think your post just made my day!!!

    Happy Creepmas, V.

  2. Oh my! That Santa on the last row is definitely creepy!! Should be be happy that it's not shaped like a party hat??

    WTF. There is no apologizing for spouting out something like "there's no Santa"! Especially that teacher - sheesh! That's just evil beyond words. I am all for letting my child stay a child for as long as possible! She's 14 now and I know for a fact that she still has a secret stash of Barbie dolls in her dresser!

  3. lol! some really photogenic santas there! really enjoyed reading your blog these past 13 days of creepmas--have a great holiday!

  4. "To all good things there comes an end." Good one! I've thouroughly enjoyed each of your posts, I could always count on them for a grin and a giggle. I hope you, Miranda, Archie and Lilly have wonderful Christmas!

  5. Well, you have managed to assemble the most creepy collection of Santa pictures I've ever seen! Some of those are just traumatizing! The Santa toilet seat was funny, though. :) People sure invent some weird decorations.

    I heard about Robin Robinson, but this is the first I heard of a teacher doing this. What is wrong with some people? Somehow the teacher bothers me more. Probably because she's the one in the position of helping children, not hurting them. Not too many things make me angrier than those who take advantage of their authority. Especially those who intentionally hurt children. It's not up to her to tell children about Santa. Talk about overstepping a boundary. No amount of "sorry" phone calls erase that.

    Moving on from those Grinches... I have enjoyed reading your Creepmas posts. Thanks for the entertainment. :)

  6. Are you implying that ghosts and magic are not real?

    And to think I liked you...

  7. Haha. I have to agree with Justine when it comes to your Santa pics: "Some of those are just traumatizing!" You definitely nailed the Creepmas brief with those icky Santas!

    Merry Creepmas!!

  8. Those Santa pics...*Speechless*

  9. I said it before, and I'll say it again, I pity the poor sap who doesn't believe in old Saint Nick.

    It just ain't kosher, er,

  10. I thought I couldn't see anything more disturbing than the santas you had at the top, but then I saw the fat naked santas you have at the bottom and I may not be able to eat breakfast.

  11. vivienne - Glad I made your day ;)

    Lisa - I am glad it was hanging as designed. I agree completely!

    Pam - thanks! It has been fun!

    art bliss - Thank you so much! I hope you and yours has a great Holiday Season as well!

    Justine - Thanks! It has been fun coming up with posts. I agree about sorry not cutting it. In the picture, she looks like an old miserable person with nothing better to do than share the grief. I hate people like that!

    Pensive - Absolutely not! TO make something real is to believe in it. I say we don't spread these lies to our children and let them keep believing!

    Little Goth - LOL indeed! I am glad I had the right effect for the holiday!

    BeWitchy - hahaha... I agree. I actually held some back for being TOO creepy.

    Mantan - could not agree with you more.

    Jessica - I am sorry... really, but I could start a fad diet.

  12. Just wanted to say thanks for a great bunch of posts! It has been really fun. Happy Holidays!

  13. I too have enjoyed your Creepmas countdown.

    I never knew there were so many naked Santa pictures out there...sort of creepy. Who knew what an exhibitionist he on his days off.

    Bah humbug to those Scrooges. I told my son that Santa left presents for kids up until they are 12 years old, but only if they believe. When he was about 10 he was so excited on Christmas morning because he said he knew that there was no way Mom could afford all that he got from Santa that year.


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