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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

On the sixth day of Creepmas, my ghoul love gave to me.....

6 Buckies Hanging


4 Cawing Crows

3 Witch Hats

2 Freddy Gloves

And a bat hanging from a dead tree!

Creepmas News

Not one, but two (2) families find snakes in their Christmas trees! Snakes claim they were just looking for an apple to give as a Christmas present!

Two families, one living in North Carolina and the other from Idaho, were in for a fright when they spotted snakes slithering through the branches of their newly decorated Christmas trees.
The Baine family, of Zebulon, North Carolina, got a big surprise when their daughter went to turn off the Christmas tree lights and saw a small corn snake hanging from a tree limb.Mrs. Baine grabbed her iPhone and begin filming as her husband sent the children off to bed and grabbed a sack to capture the serpent who had made his home within the branches of the tree. The Baine family has posted the video on YouTube where it is receiving thousands of views.

After catching the little fellow the kids were so enamored with him they decided to keep it and named him Tinsel, since he resembled the holiday decoration that adorns Christmas trees.The slithery start to the 2011 holiday season stretched across the country to Meridian, Idaho, where another family called the fire department after finding a snake in their recently purchased tree.Josh Schmidtz said, "I thought our daughter put a plastic snake in the tree because I don't like them. When I saw it was real, I panicked."Crickett Rudd, Horticulturist at the FarWest Landscape and Garden in Boise, said, "that sometimes on rare occasions little critters and animals can get inside the wrapped Christmas trees, during the delivery process to try to stay warm."Rudd said it was possible the snake had traveled quite a distance before arriving at the Schmidtz home. To avoid finding a surprise in your holiday evergreen this Christmas, Rudd recommends you take a broom and thoroughly sweep the tree to shake loose any live creatures that might be hiding in the branches.Larae Schmidtz said that next year they would go over every inch of the tree before they move it inside.

Merry Chrissssssssssssmassssssss!

 That is one of the reason we just use our fake Christmas tree. That way you only have to worry about rubber or cartoon snakes fooling with it.

Thankfully, we only have to deal with cats in our tree.

  Somebody needs to call Samuel L Jackson to fix this problem!

Top 13 Halloween Posts of 2011 Countdown

   I can understand why this post was popular. It was the same technique that M used for our Party and Halloween night. I had so many emails and comments about this, it was flattering for M to say the least. It was simple, easy and looked great awful!

   Last night, I got a blast from Autumn's past. It was pumpkin Heaven in a cup. I am talking about none other than Sonic's Pumpkin Pie Milkshake!

   It was the best pumpkin treat I have ever had (even better than my cheesecake). I highly recommend all my fellow Halloween Heads and Pumpkin Purveyors get down to your nearest Sonic and try this NOW! You won't be sorry.

 The stocking all hung with greatest of care.
In hopes that fat loot would soon be there!

    We had a good laugh about the size of the stockings. We were just trying to show that the better the cat, the bigger the presents. Lilly refused to come around when we hung them. I wonder where she was?

"I'm sorry I missed the stocking joke. I was busy taking a dump in the dryer."

Don't forget, Santa is watching!


  1. Of course Archie would have the biggest stocking in the house! Cheeky thing!

    I just about DIED over Lilly's "sorry but I was busy taking a dump in the dryer"........ROFL!

    OK, I am worse so I am off to the doctor....Bleh!

    Hope you are feeling better!

  2. I am feeling much better LuLu... sorry to hear you are not. Take care of yourself so you will have a good Holiday. If you need a small striped devil to help you feel the spirit... let me know. I can Fed Ex.

  3. The pumpkin spice coffee is great. I have chills thinking of a snake hiding in my tree. I don't think they like fake trees so I should be just fine. Happy Holidays...

  4. HAHA! Snakes! The Samuel L. Jackson jib is priceless! ROFL!

  5. Haha! Archie's stocking is hilarious & like LuLu, I love Lilly's picture. Those snakes are nassssty. I think I would just die of fright. Also that zombifying technique was an awesome post

  6. I am so going to Sonic at lunch to see if they have these.

  7. Between the snakes and bugs(Annie's post)I'm actually happy that we have a fake tree. I would literally have a heart attack if I found a snake in our tree!
    The zombie hand was far and away the best makeup tutorial I saw this Halloween, great job Miranda!
    Darn, we don't have a Sonic here, will have to settle for that horrible pumpkin pie blizzard at DQ:(

  8. Love the skelies! This post contains animals whom I have polar opposite feelings about. ADORE cats! LOATHE snakes!

  9. Adsila - Beware the fake snakes! ;)

    Annie - Priceless indeed! Thanks!

    BeWitchy - The cats sure keep us busy. I agree about the super cheap and easy zombie makeup.

    Kelly - Hope you got one... Buy two and drink one for me!

    art bliss - I hate you don't have a Sonic nearby, it is great! Hope you blizzard is good. Thank you for the praise on the tutorial. She was rather proud of her ability.

    Little Goth - Glad I could give you a love/hate post day ;)

    It came from the man cave - thanks man, I chuckled the entire time I posted.


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