wicKED Pages

Saturday, November 19, 2011

What a wicKEDly good Saturday!

    To my utter surprise and amazement, I just got home to find my yard haunt featured on PUMPKINROT.COM! I have followed Rot's blog and his unbelievable Halloween creations for years. He is, undeniably, the biggest influence on all things Halloween for me. This has to be one of the biggest honors, any yard haunter could hope to receive. 

    If you find yourself wondering, "What the heck is pumpkinrot?".  First, crawl out from under whatever rock you have been hiding under and head over to his blog, PUMPKINROT.COM ASAP! Thank you Rot for featuring the Wicked Woods!

   Today started out looking like one heck of a beautiful Saturday. Lilly went into solar power mode as soon as she woke up and started soaking sunlight. 

    M and I headed out to Tennessee today to do a little shopping for the upcoming holidays. I was surprised to find Halloween items still out and about. Hallmark had tons, but they were only marking it down to 50% so it was still pretty pricey. We did luck into some 90% deals at K-mart such as wigs for ground breakers, and treat bag toys for next year. 
   We did find this little hidden gem I have never seen before :

   Today has been a great day all around, one that I will remember fondly for years to come. Hope everybody else is enjoying this weeKEnD as much as I. 


  1. Congrats! What an honor!!

    Ooooh...I've never seen that Nightmare Before Christmas Operation game! What a great find!

    Glad you had such a fantastic day!

  2. Congrats on being featured! That is a neat surprise. I had no idea that there was a Nightmare Before Christmas version of Operation! Even though I wasn't too into the original Operation, I want this! I went shopping at Pier 1 yesterday in hopes of finding some left over Halloween things. They were barely even marked down. What are some of these stores waiting for? That's cool that you got some 90% off deals! Our Kmart was cleaned out several days after Halloween!

  3. I saw the NBX Operation at a game kiosk that pops up in the mall for the holiday season. Way overpriced, hoping to find it cheaper or snag it after X-mas

  4. I am still plundering for Halloween deals.

    The husband is chomping at the bit to put up our Christmas trees today. Me, notsomuch. LOL!

    Glad you and M are having a great weekend. That Lilly is just so pretty!!

  5. I love, love, love the Operation game! I've never seen it either. Too awesome.

  6. Congrats KED! Pumpkinrot is indeed somewhat of a Halloween celebrity although I've only ever saw one time he was interviewed online, he's kind of a keep to himself kind of guy. I guess that's why he's Pumpkinrot though. His props and videos are amazing so I can imagine how it must feel to be recognized by him.

  7. Congratulations on being featured, you deserve it!

    I love that Operation game, have never seen one like it. The game board must look pretty interesting.

    Just looking at Lilly makes me feel warm and cozy - I need that as it is 26 below here today(:

  8. Congrats on the feature and well deserved too! I've never seen the version of Operation before either. Neat!

  9. Congrats on your Pumpkinrot feature ~ very much deserved ~ your haunt photos are fantastic!
    I have Operation Game envy....

  10. Ha ha, that is quite an honor, you little devil you!


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