wicKED Pages

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rainy Autumn Day Perspective.

   Today is your typical rainy fall day, except for the unseasonably warm temps. I spent the majority of the morning drinking too much coffee and trying to find a legitimate publisher. So far, I have failed to find one that will take me serious, or does not want me to foot the bill, so I will be going a bit longer as an unpublished author.
   To brighten my spirits, I started working on one of my Creepmas projects. I am almost done and pretty pleased with it thus far. That, and the view from my front porch, set me in a much better mood. 

   During the day, these beautiful Bradford Pears do the perfect job of hiding the one house in our neighborhood that decided to go full Clark Griswold on Christmas decorating on November 1st. 

   It would appear we have a traitors element in the wicKED household. Some soul that seeks to spread the Christmas Cheer before we have had our Pumpkin Pie and Turkey Gravy. I am not going to make any accusations yet, but here before you is proof of this holiday insurrection! 

   Miranda's Christmas Cactus is in full bloom! I assure you I will investigate this mutinous behavior at once and bring whomever is responsible to justice!


  1. Lovely Autumn pics. Wishing you luck on finding a publisher that is right for you and your book. The cactus is beautiful!

  2. I love the view from your porch! Wow! Living in the Evergreen State, I really miss seeing the leaves turn like that. Bradford pears are beautiful.

    Also, I have a confession: I put up Christmas lights on my banister today. Sorry. But when I walked into a Target for my first excursion since returning home, and they were full on CHRISTMAS I laughed so hard I needed to explain myself to fellow shoppers. So I get your meaning. It just gets dark so early now!

  3. I musta missed a post, what'd you author?

    I'm actually getting a little itchy about doing a Creepmas prop for the front yard. Itchy itchy.

    Though, I've had this image in my mind, of a strange diaphanous deer-skulled figure draped in ivy. Maybe a wreath around it's throat. I want it to stand in my yard looking out, incongruous, ancient, and impassive.

  4. Love the pictures.. I love Autumn and all of its beautiful colors. The Christmas Cactus is so nice.. I've never had one with so many blooms

  5. Vivienne - Thank you. That cactus is early, but it is crazy beautiful too. I hope I can eventually find a publish that meshes up with me.

    Pensive - Thanks for that. I have 4 very young pears in my yard as well. In a few years, our little street will be lined with them. Don't worry about the lights. I love Christmas and I am mostly poking fun, but these people up the street went over board Nov 1st. I am tempted to post a picture.

    Mantan - You did not miss a post buddy, I am looking for a publisher. I have not published anything yet. I have 3 projects I am writing now, and I have one ready for a publisher.... if I could just find a reputable one.
    If you do make that prop (I hope you do) I want lots of pictures. Your one post about Christmas last year was just great!

    BeWitchy - Thank you. I have a smaller one that is VERY old my mom gave me. It has bright red blooms but looks puny next to Miranda's.

  6. That tree is splendid! I'm sad to say that we are already in the grasp of old man winter here in Canada. Leaves gone, green grass gone...inches of snow now present...yuch!
    Perhaps you should stage a diabolical Creepmas experiment with the Christams Cactus and cross pollinate it with say....a venus fly trap or poison ivy...or black roses(kewl).

  7. The color of those pear trees is beautifully vivid. I really miss the changing of seasons up North. especially thr Fall.

  8. I love rainy, fall days. They are wonderful. Don't worry about finding a publisher. It takes everyone forever. My agent saved me. She does all the hard work and lets me be lazy and write. I think having an agent is the only way to go. Forget the publishers and find a good agent and you can just enjoy the writing!

  9. Wish our pear trees would have been that pretty this year but it was so damn dry for so long we had a very brown Halloween this year. Keep your chin up with being published. What are writing about?

  10. art bliss - Almost all the trees here are brown or dead. I may have to do just that with the Cactus Muahahaha!

    Mark - I was always a sucker for Sugar Maples till I saw my neighbors Pears. I had to get 4 myself.

    Jessica - I fear that finding an agent will be almost as hard as finding a publisher. Any hints?

    Kelly - Thanks I will. I have a couple of works ready such as a party planning guide and compendium of ghost and short stories from the local area. I am working on another horror novel, a Modern day Halloween historical book, and a Halloween edition game that I have been perfecting over the years... nothing big by any means.

  11. My agent is always looking for fresh, new voices and she's wonderful. You should try submitting to her. http://www.belcastroagency.com/about_us/


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