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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Local merchant unwittingly assisting with Creepmas!

  M and I were driving around today, enjoying this unseasonably beautiful weather. We had headed to a nearby town that we rarely ever visit when she squeals to me, "Ooooh! Franken Santa!". We turned around to get a better look and sure enough, there was a life size Frankenstein's  Monster all decked out for Christmas  Creepmas.

   Sorry for the glare but I that was as good as it gets. The shop sold antique pinball machines, juke boxes, and games as well as a huge selection of old fashioned Christmas decor. We will be heading back to see what else they have closer to Christmas. I just thought it was great that this shop owner was blurring the lines for us and helping a cause they did not know exists. 
   I have been working on several surprises for Creepmas. I am really looking forward to it!

    While we were out, we went the very top of the highest mountain in our area. Miranda felt like doing the zombie power pose.... whatever that is:

   Absolutely beautiful....and the view is nice too ;)

   When we returned home, I had a package waiting on me all the way from Shanghai! 

Whatever could it be? What are they for? Hang around till next October and find out! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


  1. Glad to see the Creepmas spirit is spreading! I'm very intrigued about your Shanghai Surprise!

  2. Love that FrankenSanta! I'm on the hunt for a Christmasy Mr Potato Head so I can mash it up with my Halloween one.
    No pun intended there with the mashing and the potato...

  3. YIPPEE for Creepmas!!! I am on the hunt for a creepy old butler I can deck out for my foyer.

    I can't wait to see what you got from Shanghai!

    LOVE the pic of M!!!

  4. Cool Frankenstein! Maybe the shop was secretly in on the Creepmas celebration. :) I got a package from Shanghai today too! Only it was a necklace. I just love ebay. Hmm.... Are those maybe some lights you ordered? Not like you're going to tell us yet!

  5. AWesome! Love the FrankenSanta! I wish stores would do that here... wouldn't happen though.Ever.

  6. FrankenSanta was interesting. Sounds like you had a fun day.


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