wicKED Pages

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Eve everyone!

    Ye Olde Meade Manor is all decorated up for Thanksgiving. Not a drop of Christmas to be seen anywhere, but we do have it poised, staged, and ready to switch out. One Holiday at a time as always.

   We have a good deal of cooking to do as we have two (count em 2!) Thanksgiving dinners to attend. The first will be with M's family for a lunch time Thanksgiving. Then we rush back to the Wicked Woods and have a very quiet and late Thanksgiving feast with my family.  The only thing keeping us from having one huge meal is distance. Due to the double dinners, we are making two casseroles and three (yes three), pumpkin cheesecakes.
   I love Thanksgiving and all that it stands for. This year, I am thankful for so much. I am especially thankful for finding a creative outlet in the form of my blog and all my followers that keep me motivated and inspired to continue.
   One of the best things about this holiday is tradition. Tradition is a hard thing to come by in these modern days. I look forward to our quiet late dinner as we watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade (thank you DVR) and then putting up the Christmas tree after the table is cleared. I usually have to get a wheelbarrow to roll my mother away from the table (not really, but she always requests one).
    I hope everybody is having a wonderful Thanksgiving eve! We are getting ready to cook up a storm so I will leave you with this goofy JibJab video:

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!


  1. Pumpkin cheesecake is the best! I still love the traditional pumpkin pie but I can't get through the season without making a cheesecake version. :) Hope you have a great time with your family!

  2. I'm thankful for your JibJab video! Thanks for the laugh.....

  3. The decorations are beautiful! A Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! May you be blessed with a bounty of good food, good fun, and good friends! And safe travels. :0)

  4. Hope it's great! I am virtually tasting those cheesecakes right now! :)

    P.S. Love the video - hilarious

  5. wishing you and yours a beautiful thanksgiving!

  6. I think my wife wants to move in with you. The decor is terrific!


  7. Oh wow! Your Thanksgiving decorating is spectacular! So mellow and autumnal! Obviously, Thanksgiving isn't celebrated in Australia, but if it was, this is the way I'd want it to look! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  8. Have a delicious and enjoyable and WicKed Thanksgiving. I cannot wait for the feasting to begin.

  9. OMG that video cracked me up!

    Hope your day is wonderful!!


  10. Great spread! Funny video! Have a great day!

  11. Your decorations are absolutely beautiful. I don't decorate for Thanksgiving at all, since the MIL would poop herself if I tried to steal Thanksgiving dinner.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. And Happy Thanksgiving to you too chick. Wow! And WOW!! The Manor looks amazing.

  13. I am obviously very late seeing as it is now the day after Thanksgiving, but your decorations were lovely and I hope you had a very happy holiday.

  14. And I'm even later yet! Particularly love the lighted baskets of leaves - stunning!

    Hope you had a great day!


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