wicKED Pages

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Another Awesome Award and some Bootiful Bargains.

   I was fortunate enough to receive the Liebster ("Dearest" in German) Blog award from none other than Annie Walls. With her witty report and eclectic humorous streak of her blog, this is quite the compliment coming from her! Make sure you drop by and say hello on her blog. Thank you so much Annie for bestowing this award on me.
   As with any award, there are rules to accepting and passing it on. Here they are :

The Rules for passing on the award: 
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link to their blog.
2. Pass the award onto 5 blogs that have less than 200 followers.

  Thanks you again Annie for the honor!

Here are my 5 picks for this award :

Justine's Halloween



The Pumpkin Abbey

The Halloween Tree

Make sure you check out all the blogs I just mentioned. If you do, you are in for a treat!

   As to the Bootiful Bargains. M and I headed out on one of the most beautiful Autumn weekends I can recall. We headed down to Tennessee with Halloween bargains in our cross hairs. We made out like bandits. Everything was just marked down to 75% off. We picked up several items for next years party, a bunch of toys for treat bags, tons of decorations, and some new wicked signs. The best buy of the day was M's new spider costume. She is going to wear it all winter (so she says). Needless to say, an unsuspecting  Lilly was the prime target for the new costume :

   Don't worry, Lilly still loves M even if she does have 8 legs :

   Hope everybody is having a great post Halloween weeKEnD! 


  1. Great blog picks! I love your countdown to the next Halloween. Gives me some excitement. I always go through a mourning period when Halloween is over.

  2. YIPPPEEEE! My first award! Many thanks! :]

  3. Thankkie for the Blog award and giving me a shout out!! You rock. Period!

    I am LOVING that Halloweenie costume and Lilly is just a doll!

    Haunt on!!

  4. Congrats on the award. Love M as a spider!!!

  5. Thanks for passing the award on to me! :) I'm starting to think that Lilly is accepting of any situation she's presented with! That spider costume is too funny. Where did you guys end up shopping?

  6. Annie - I am glad you liked the pics and the countdown. We will keep the spirit smoldering till next Autumn.

    BeWitchy ;)

    LuLu - Thank you bunches... please don't encourage Lilly.. she knows she is cute.

    Vivienne - Thanks! If you could only see M run around and chase the cats in it LOL.

    Justine - You are welcome! Lilly really thrives on stuff like that. She will do pretty much anything we want her to. We hit Target, Ross, TjMax, Hobbylobby, Micheal's, BigLots, Pier 1, Walmart (ugh), and Burlington. It was a full on Halloween bargain attack!

  7. Haha, yeah I've been on the bargain attack too. :) Michael's was one of the best places I hit. Some of the Martha Stewart party stuff I'd been admiring was really marked down. Aside from Target and Michael's, I haven't found much. Most of the stores were cleaned out by the time I got there!


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