wicKED Pages

Saturday, October 1, 2011

And so begins the countdown to the most wicKED day of them all!

   First off, welcome to October all! It was spitting snow in the early AM but is leveling off into a typical fall day (finally). Time to sit back with my pumpkin spice latte and begin this day!
   Today also signifies the start of the annual Cryptkeeper event for the Countdown to Halloween.  That link will take you to a list of over 200 blogs that have committed to being Cryptkeepers for the month of October and provide daily Halloween related posts as we countdown. You can click the Cryptkeeper badge to the right of the page to take you there also. I highly recommend you search through those links and enjoy what this enigmatic community has in store for everybody for the month. I know I will. As you may have expected, I am a Cryptkeeper this year.... hope I can be a wicKED one. Follow my blog so you can keep up with the my yard haunting projects, DIY items, party preparations, haunt reviews, short stories, and ALL things Halloween!
    As I said, we are finally experiencing fall weather here in Virginia. All things summer have fled and retreated down into the earth to await next year. This makes the spirit of the season even more intense. Seems that every day the yard haunt grows. New creatures and other things "pop up" and add to the scenery.
   Today some mischievous dark spirits have visited the yard. After they had chased off all the pink flamingos, beaten up all the lawn gnomes, and eaten all the leftover summer flowers, they set up shop in their new home for Autumn.


    Seems we have a new skeleton who has taken a liking to the pond. I shall name him Wally Green! (pardon the pun).

   Even the fish tank looks more foreboding this morning... bet the fish don't even notice.

    We are going out to purchase supplies for some really cheap and amazing looking coffins today. Look for a an article on that little project coming soon. We also plan to add two new zombies to our grave yard, time and weather permitting.
   Tonight is going to be filled with us creeping through local haunted houses and watching scary movies to ring in October good and proper! I hope everybody has a wicKED weeKEnD.


  1. I love your huge pleco!! I have a big'un, too. My Mr. Clean (original, I know!) is easily 10 years old!

    I think he needs a skull, too~

  2. Mine is at least 10 years if not older. I have a peacock Cichlid that likes to grab the skull and flip it over at night. He lives in the castle behind it like a troll.

  3. Happy Octoween

    I'm eating fall colours gummy worms as we speak. Halloween decorations are stirring in my closet. Time to shake off their year long hibernation, and creep around my house.

  4. Hi Ked...Happy 1st of October to you! Nice to meet you! Enjoyed your post, love the dark spirits and the skeleton! Looking forward to the month ahead! :o)

  5. Gotta love gummies. Good luck on the creeping!

  6. Welcome aboard Wendy! Thanks for the support!

  7. Thanks for coming to visit me, and leaving such a nice comment. I wanted to stop by and check out your blog, and WHOA! I am officially an email follower. Rock out with Salem's Lot!!!


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