wicKED Pages

Monday, September 19, 2011

Aint no rest for the wicKED!

I was reading an update over at The Haunted Gallery  and heard an obscure song that reminds me just how much I have to do in the next few days. This song posted there summed it up perfectly :

   Friday, is the first day of Autumn which also signals the day we put up all Summer outdoor decor and drag out (and hopefully put up) Fall/Halloween. Now the weather is threatening to delay this event by at least a day.  This week, I have to find the time to mow and weed eat (blah!) , paint a front porch (banisters and all), and clean the house from top to bottom before we decorate. We have a to do list, and it gets longer instead of shorter! 
   On top of all that, we still have to skin the zombies we built weeks ago, build two toe pincher coffins, dress our two clothed zombie breaks (after we build them), and create Slimy Sam (more to come on this one). My girlfriend also has some projects she is wanting to work on independently of these such as a chicken wire female figure and other things she is envisioning plus all the party planning and set up! I am so thankful to have a wonderful woman like Miranda who not only puts up with my Halloween obsession but feeds it!
   On the BLOG to do list, I have 4 short stories that are half or better written, reviews to do on opening haunted attractions across the area, and updates for the wicKED Recipes page as well as a few updates I want to put in the Halloween Party Guide. Several "how to" posts are also in the planning stages for the blog. 
We have a bunch of great post ideas coming soon so I hope you have the B.A.L.Z. to check back often.

   I just updated the 2011 Haunted Attraction page with a new listing. The Haunted Auction House and Corn Maze has decided to open again this year. I also took the time to add countdown clocks to all the confirmed haunts so you can keep an eye on your favorite's opening day! Hop over and check it out!

   That's about it for this post. Time to go knock some items off Ye Olde To Do List. Hope your day is wicKED (but I hope you find some rest unlike me)!


  1. Great song and I can't wait to see the chicken wire figure!

  2. Woah. I feel burnt out just reading this! I know what you mean about a list of upcoming blog posts. It's overwhelming sometimes! I have a feeling that a lot of us Halloween people are already too busy, and it's not even October!

  3. Hey wicKED,

    You have been chosen:


    Emma (Little Gothic Horrors)


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